A coaching, learning and consulting company.


No Stopping until schools are

Simply Empowered

Simply Empowered Briefs

Our research briefs take scientific studies and research review articles and summarize them so you have the basics. We are pulling out the new-paradigm principles so you can begin to see what you are already doing that is working, and what you can integrate and change also.


Meg Hanshaw

The Independent Project

Sam Levin took a brave move and formed a school within a school that really worked for students who were not into their current educational environment and wanted to quit. Why did it work?

Great Education Minds Podcast

Join Dr. Meg  Hanshaw, founder of i.b.mee., as she interviews new-paradigm, innovative leaders, teachers, parents and students to learn what is working and not working in creating learning environments where everyone thrives. 

Listeners will become more aware of the critical need to shift our current education system as well as what the new education paradigm entails. These podcasts are a part of a bigger research project to create the New Universal Declaration of Global Education


We know everyone has a story to tell about their education experience, and we want to hear it! Your anonymous stories will help send a wave of change through the education system as a part of a bigger ripple of change. The themes and principles from your story will be recognized and added to the research to create the new Declaration of Education. You can make a huge difference with just a small amount of time! Thank you in advance for you participation!

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Want to know what it like to begin to shift into the new-paradigm of education? Join us to read about educators, interns, students and parents who have felt the shift in some way. Once you begin to experience the shift inside your body, mind, heart and soul, you naturally begin to change your ways that are in the old-paradigm. You begin to understand that connecting with others and seeing each other’s value is the key to learning, not controlling and manipulating with extrinsic rewards (among other things). 

i.b.mee. Staff

Meet 3-year-old Jake

Read about his transformation when he gets to attend a new-paradigm preschool where his teachers and director are well-versed in the framework and principles of Empowerment Education?

Corrie Price

Playing Tiger

An Example of How Teacher Empowerment Coaching Moves Students into Higher Brain Functioning during a Challenge: Positive Behavioral Management Techniques at Their Best   As educators we hope to assist


Join Meg Hanshaw PhD, founder of i.b.mee. and thriving researcher, in a more in depth look at particular issues in education and how a new-paradigm mindset and applications would be used.

Meg Hanshaw

One Foot in the Old and One Foot in the New

Teachers are beginning to learn WHAT to do to make school fun and healthy and reignite the natural process of learning, moving students forward progressively so they feel confident and successful and don’t want to quit.
